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In this digital age that the ICT explosion has created massive opportunities and widened the geographical scope of competition, there is urgent need to properly position yourself, business and/or organisation for global recognition and attendant massive benefits.

Research confirms that many exceptional individuals and organisations under-advertise their strengths, Unique Selling Points or competitive edge for proper recognition and enjoyment of commensurate reward.

The Publicity Strategy

One major thing that any individual or organisation that is thirsty for enduring success amidst stiff competition needs to do is to consistently communicate his or its competitive advantage to all stakeholders, prospects and the general public. And one way to effectively achieve this is through massive publicity or advertising.

Publicity or advertising becomes imperative because research shows that the best publicised or advertised products or services often sell more than the best ones. This is because prospective customers make their buying decision/choice based on recognition or popularity of products or services. And recognition or popularity is easily achievable through sustained publicity or advertising, etc.

To help individuals and organisations out, we have created a FEATURE Section on our global publication www.gokeilesanmi.com.ng. There is also opportunity to place regular adverts.

The Feature Section

To appear in this Feature section, interested individuals will send their CVs or Profiles while organisations will send their corporate profiles to us for professional touch before publication for maximum persuasive impacts.

Individuals and Organisations Already Featured

Please find below, some great personalities and organisations already featured:

(a) Senator Mpigi Barinada, Vice Chair, Senate C’ttee on Establishment and Public Service. https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/exemplary-political-leader-and-rare-philanthropist/

(b) Eng Segun Oni, former Governor, Ekiti State. https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/profile-of-engineer-segun-oni-former-governor-ekiti-state/  

(c) King Sunny Ade. https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/king-sunny-ade-an-innovative-musical-superstar/

(d) Pharm (Mrs) Uzamat, former Hon Commissioner for Home Affairs, Lagos State (now Commissioner for Culture and Tourism). https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/pharm-uzamat-akinbile-yussuf-an-exceptional-public-servant-and-humanitarian/

(e) Mr Liadi Rasheed Olawale. https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/mr-liadi-rasheed-olawale-a-visionary-business-manager-and-strategic-entrepreneur/

(f) Raask International Ltd. https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/raask-international-ltd-a-model-of-sustainable-profitability-and-vibrancy/

(g) Princess Florence Adegbola. https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/princess-florence-adegbola-a-model-of-exceptional-diligence-and-intelligence/

(h) Zenith Bank (Advert). Pls check for more on our site.

Need to Advertise on www.gokeilesanmi.com.ng

(1) Researchers, business people and other visitors easily locate www.gokeilesanmi.com.ng through different search engines because it contains thousands of world-class intellectual articles covering different knowledge areas.

(2) Our online publication is also globally publicised by the USA-based ezinearticles.com     (having over 600,000 international writers) because Goke Ilesanmi, publisher of  www.gokeilesanmi.com.ng won multiple awards there in 2010. Pls confirm here https://gokeilesanmi.com.ng/congratulatory-from-ezinearticles-on-my-achieving-their-platinum-membership/  

ALSO NOTE: Direct link to the international library of Goke Ilesanmi at USA-based ezinearticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Goke_Ilesanmi.

(3) Goke Ilesanmi, publisher of www.gokeilesanmi.com.ng is an intellectual columnist widely followed locally and globally through his newspaper columns, social media, etc.

(4) We will broadcast your feature adverts weekly to thousands of our followers on different social media platforms, through email blasts and link your feature adverts up to Ronaldo‘s Instagram page having about 130 million followers; Jack Welsh‘s Linkedin page having millions of followers, etc., for wider global publicity impacts.

The Organisation Feature costs N60,000 per month while Personality Feature is N50,000 per month. NOTE: Any individual or organisation that pays for three months upwards at once will enjoy 40 per cent discount.

CALL Goke Ilesanmi: +234(0)8055068773 (WhatsApp)

EMAILS: gokeiles2010@gmail.comgokmarcomconsulting@gmail.com


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